Wednesday, 16 July 2014

15/07/2014 Butterflies and rockets

Armed with our print outs courtesy of the big butterfly count  we explored the long grass area in the local churchyard and managed to identify a White butterfly, a Ringlet, a Speckled Wood and a Red Admiral before we scared them all away. There were also a number of smaller brown butterflies darting around that refused to settle so we couldn't identify which they were.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

08/07/2014: Bouncing with mischief

We seem to have a lot of boys with us at the moment and yesterday it felt as if they had all been touched with the joy of summer. Watching them reminded me of my early years of home educating with my eldest boy (now 12) when I didn't feel the need to do any formal work throughout the warmer months.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Recipe: Pea Soup

Pea soup
A simple but quick and tasty recipe that was prepared by the older children during our meeting. As with most soup recipes quantities of ingredients do not need to be exact, just chuck in what you've got and hopefully it should taste good.