Junk modelling - making a crocodile! |
Our focus this week was to be crafts for adults with a bit of junk modelling on the side. This wasn't entirely successful; note for the future - junk modelling needs a direction or a prize! One lad happily whiled away an hour creating a crocodile but otherwise the table of mess was generally ignored.
Journalling |
And adult crafts? I confess that whilst I brought it my crochet hook stayed tucked away in my bag. We did have some great examples of journalling though with some inspiring ways to reuse or keep hold of favourite birthday cards. I really don't have time for another hobby but it definitely tempted me.
Playing with string |
Our surprise hit of the day? Rope! Not a planned activity but the children loved playing with this. It was a very long piece of thick yarn that had been finger-knitted into a reasonably heavy rope. This was wrapped around columns, people, chased around the hall, tied in knots, tugged and overall extremely well loved by all but the babes who didn't get a look in.
Sensory play with lavender rice |
Another popular place was the investigation table again. This week I added some rice for sensory play. Naturally this went everywhere but thankfully in the hall this is a very easy thing to clean up. This activity will definitely be returning in the future.
Sensory tray with lavender rice |
The rice was coloured with blue food colouring and had a little lavender oil added. Okay, I confess that it actually had a lot of lavender oil added. My excuse is that I have a cold and couldn't see any coming out of the bottle! This was inspired by
The Imagination Tree.
String drawing. |
Isn't this play mat adorable? Using colourful string laces that are threaded through a pen you can draw shapes by punching the pen/string into the holes. Hard to explain but fascinating to watch and quite addictive to do. Even better it makes no mess! I don't know the name for this but I'll share the details when I have them.
Xbox rules |
The older boys showed their faces a few times but spent half the session tucked away with the xbox. Eventually the pull of the sunshine was too much for them and they abandoned games in favour of the park.
Sams dragon. |
And finally, Sam's dragon. We had the hama beads out again but unfortunately this creation was destroyed in the making twice over, despite him asking Mum to put it somewhere safe. So Mum helped him to finish it at home instead and here it is.
And next time...
13th May 2014: Helter-skelter session. If it's sunny we're getting wet! Bring water pistols, squeezy bottles, bubble mix and towels! If the weather's not looking so good we'll have some den building in the hall so bring sheets, poles, old wallpaper, masking tape: anything you can think of that will help make a cool den or tunnels.
Our next organised activity session will be in two weeks time on the 18th May 2014. Provisional plans include soapy science, soap carving and, to balance out the clean fun, painting. Don't forget those aprons!
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